Chiranjeevi Yojana Bimari List : दोस्तों जैसा कि आप जानते हैं राजस्थान सरकार द्वारा अपने राज्य के नागरिकों के लिए मुख्यमंत्री चिरंजीवी स्वास्थ्य बीमा योजना शुरू की गई हैI इस योजना के अंतर्गत छोटी से छोटी बीमारियों से लेकर बड़ी और गंभीर बीमारियों के लिए 25 लाख रुपए का हेल्थ कवर बीमा राज्य के नागरिकों को प्रदान किया जाता हैI
इसीलिए आज के आर्टिकल में हम चिरंजीवी योजना के अंतर्गत आने वाली सभी बीमारियों की सूची के बारे में जानेंगेI यानि इस आर्टिकल को पढ़कर आप बड़ी आसानी से मुख्यमंत्री चिरंजीवी बीमा योजना के अंतर्गत Chiranjeevi Yojana Bimari List Online Check कर सकते हैंI और यह जान सकते हैं कि चिरंजीवी योजना के अंतर्गत कौन-कौन सी छोटी और बड़ी बीमारियों का इलाज निशुल्क किया जाता हैI
राजस्थान सरकार चिरंजीवी योजना के अंतर्गत लगभग 1597 हेल्थ पैकेज निशुल्क राज्य के नागरिकों को उपलब्ध करवा रही हैI जिन्हें गंभीर बीमारियां जैसे : ऑर्गन ट्रांसप्लांट, न्यूरो सर्जरी, हार्ट सर्जरी, पैरालाइसिस, कैंसर, ब्लैक फंगस, कोविड-19 शामिल हैI इसके अलावा और भी कई छोटी-छोटी बीमारियों को इस योजना के अंतर्गत शामिल किया गया हैI
यानी अगर आप मुख्यमंत्री चिरंजीवी स्वास्थ्य बीमा योजना के लाभार्थी हैं, तो आप बड़ी आसानी से चिरंजीवी योजना पैकेज लिस्ट में शामिल कुल 1597 हेल्थ पैकेज का निशुल्क लाभ उठा सकते हैंI चलिए आगे हम इस आर्टिकल में विस्तार से जानेंगे, कि चिरंजीवी बीमा योजना के अंतर्गत कौन-कौन सी छोटी और बड़ी बीमारियों को शामिल किया गया हैI
इसे भी पढ़ें 👇
चिरंजीवी योजना में अपना नाम कैसे जोड़े |
चिरंजीवी कार्ड डाउनलोड कैसे करें |
राजस्थान मैरिज सर्टिफिकेट डाउनलोड कैसे करें |
राजस्थान श्रमिक कार्ड कैसे डाउनलोड करें |
चिरंजीवी योजना नया अपडेट 2023
चिरंजीवी योजना नया अपडेट बजट घोषणा 2023 के अंतर्गत अब 25 लाख तक निशुल्क इलाज होगाI राज्य सरकार द्वारा चिरंजीवी योजना के अंतर्गत 10 लाख की सहायता राशि को बढ़ाकर 25 लाख करने का निर्णय लिया गया हैI इसके साथ-साथ चिरंजीवी दुर्घटना बीमा राशि को 5 लाख से बढ़कर 10 लाख कर दिया गया हैI और हेल्थ पैकेज में कैंसर जैसी गंभीर बीमारियों को भी शामिल कर लिया गया हैI
चिरंजीवी योजना में कौन सी बीमारियां शामिल है?
मुख्यमंत्री चिरंजीवी बीमा योजना के अंतर्गत लगभग सभी बीमारियों को कवर किया गया हैI क्योंकि इस योजना के अंतर्गत 1597 हेल्थ पैकेज बनाए गए हैं, जिनमें छोटी से लेकर बड़ी से बड़ी गंभीर बीमारियों को भी शामिल किया गया हैI क्योंकि राजस्थान सरकार द्वारा कोविंद-19 बीमारी को शामिल किया गया हैI
इसके पहले ब्लैंक फंगस, ऑर्गन ट्रांसप्लांट, न्यूरो सर्जरी, आदि बीमारियों को शामिल किया गया थाI इस योजना के अंतर्गत आने वाला परिवार एक साल में सामान्य बीमारी के लिए ₹50000 तक निशुल्क उपचार ले सकता हैI इसके अलावा गंभीर बीमारी के लिए ₹450000 तक फ्री इलाज ले सकता हैI
चिरंजीवी योजना का उद्देश्य
राजस्थान सरकार ने नागरिकों के स्वास्थ्य को और बेहतर बनाने के उद्देश्य से इस योजना की शुरुआत की है। इसके अंतर्गत गरीब परिवार अपना चिरंजीवी कार्ड बनवाकर एक साल में 25 लाख रुपए का मुक्त इलाज करवा सकते हैं। गरीब परिवार के अलावा अन्य परिवार के लोग 850 रुपए सालाना भुगतान करके इस योजना का लाभ उठा सकते हैं।
राज्य के नागरिकों के स्वास्थ्य को ध्यान में रखते हुए हाल ही में राज्य सरकार ने मुख्यमंत्री चिरंजीवी योजना के अंतर्गत 18 पैकेट और जोड़े हैंI जिनमें किडनी ट्रांसफर, हार्ट सर्जरी, न्यूरो सर्जरी, कैंसर में काम आने वाली पेट स्कैन, जैसी बड़ी महंगी जांच और बीमारियों को शामिल किया हैI
इसके अलावा इसके साथ हीमोडायलिसिस पैकेज में काम आने वाली एंथ्रोपॉीन इंजेक्शन, हृदय रोग से जुड़े एंजियोग्राफी भी शामिल किया गया हैI इसके अलावा राज्य सरकार द्वारा लगभग 210 हेल्थ पैकेज पर हॉस्पिटल रेट को भी बढ़ा दिया गया है, ताकि हॉस्पिटल द्वारा मरीज को सही से उपचार की सुविधाएं दी जा सकेI
Chiranjeevi Yojana Bimari List Kaise Dekhe.
चिरंजीवी बीमा योजना के अंतर्गत राज्य सरकार द्वारा ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट लांच किया गया है, अगर आप इस योजना के लाभार्थी हैं और यह जानना चाहते हैं कि चिरंजीवी बीमारी योजना लिस्ट में कौन-कौन सी बीमारियों को शामिल किया गया हैI तो आप बड़ी आसानी से घर बैठे मोबाइल फोन से ऑनलाइन चिरंजीवी योजना में शामिल बीमारियों की सूची देख सकते हैंI
Step1 : चिरंजीवी योजना की बेबसाइट पर जाएं.
चिरंजीवी स्वास्थ्य बीमा योजना में शामिल बीमारियों की सूची ऑनलाइन चेक करने के लिए आपको सबसे पहले इस योजना की ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट पर जाना होगाI जो इस प्रकार से दिखाई देगा-
Step2 : योजना का विवरण पर क्लिक करें.
ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट पर आने के बाद आपको दिखाई दे रहे तीर के सामने “योजना का विवरण” पर क्लिक कर देना हैI जिसके अंतर्गत आपको योजनांतर्गत पैकेज का विकल्प दिखाई देगा, उस पर क्लिक कर देना हैI नया इंटरफेस👇
Step3 : राजस्थान स्वास्थ्य चिरंजीवी बीमा योजना में शामिल बीमारी की लिस्ट देखें.
यहां पर आप को चिरंजीवी योजना के अंतर्गत हेल्थ पैकेज की लिस्ट दिखाई देगी, जो इस प्रकार से हैं👇
- MM-CSBY New Added Packages & Revise Packages Rate List (MM-CSBY नए जोड़े गए पैकेज और संशोधित पैकेज दर सूची)
- Packages including procedures, Rates, and minimum documents, protocols and other details for new phase of AB-MGRSBY (AB-MGRSBY के नए चरण के लिए प्रतिक्रियाओं, दरों और न्यूनतम दस्तावेज प्रोटोकाल और अन्य विवरण सहित पैकेज)
- AB-MGRSBY 4 Additional Packages (AB-MGRSBY 4 अतिरिक्त पैकेज)
- Implant package code with base package code and name (बेस्ट पैकेज कोड और नाम के साथ इंप्लांट्स पैकेज कोड)
- Implants Details (प्रत्यारोपण विवरण)
- Duration and cycle for Medical Oncology (मेडिकल उनको के लिए अवधि और चक्र)
- Special Conditions and Popup (विशेष शर्तें और पॉपअप)
इन सातों ऑप्शन में सभी बीमारियों की लिस्ट शामिल की गई हैI आप अपनी बीमारी के अनुसार किसी भी ऑप्शन पर क्लिक करके योजना के अंतर्गत बीमारियों की लिस्ट देख सकते हैंI
योजना में शामिल बिमारियों की लिस्ट देखें?
S. No. | PACKAGE CODE NEW (IMPLANT) | Implants / High End Consumables | PACKAGE_NAME | PACKAGE CODE NEW (BASE) |
1. | 28370000014 | IMP0076 | Aneurysm Clipping including angiogram | 28370000090 |
2. | 28370000035 | IMP0080 | Transoral surgery (Anterior) and CV Junction (Posterior Sterilisation) | 28370000089 |
3. | 28490000007 | IMP0084 | Coil embolization for aneurysms (includes cost of first 3 coils + balloon and / or stent if used) | 28490000018 |
4. | 28490000007 | IMP0084 | Carotico-cavernous Fistula (CCF) embolization-Carotico-cavernous Fistula (CCF) embolization with coils. [includes 5 coils, guide catheter, micro-catheter, micro-guidewire, general items] | 28490000019 |
5. | 28490000007 | IMP0084 | Carotico-cavernous Fistula (CCF) embolization-Carotid-cavernous Fistula (CCF) embolization with balloon (includes one balloon, guide catheter, micro-catheter, micro-guidewire, general items) | 28490000020 |
6. | 28400000028 | IMP0099 | Fracture – Long Bones – Metaphyseal – ORIF | 28400000042 |
7. | 28400000022 | IMP0123 | Growth Modulation and fixation | 28400000047 |
8. | 28400000019 | IMP0125 | Cervical spine fixation including odontoid | 28400000043 |
9. | 28400000018 | IMP0126 | Cervical spine fixation including odontoid | 28400000043 |
10. | 28400000020 | IMP0130 | Dorsal and lumber spine fixation- Posterior | 28400000044 |
11. | 28400000020 | IMP0130 | Dorsal and lumber spine fixation- Anterior | 28400000045 |
12. | 28400000021 | IMP0131 | Dorsal and lumber spine fixation- Posterior | 28400000044 |
13. | 28400000021 | IMP0131 | Dorsal and lumber spine fixation- Anterior | 28400000045 |
14. | 28400000024 | IMP0132 | Spine deformity correction | 28400000046 |
15. | 28400000023 | IMP0133 | Spine deformity correction | 28400000046 |
16. | 28310000010 | IMP0145 | PDA stenting | 28310000031 |
17. | 28310000011 | IMP0146 | PDA stenting | 28310000031 |
S. No. | PACKAGE CODE NEW (IMPLANT) | Implants / High End Consumables | PACKAGE_NAME | PACKAGE CODE NEW (BASE) |
18. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Tricuspid procedure | 28320000085 |
19. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Pulmonary procedure | 28320000086 |
20. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Infundibular procedure | 28320000087 |
21. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Coarctation repair | 28320000088 |
22. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -TAPVC Repair | 28320000089 |
23. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Truncus arteriosus repair | 28320000090 |
24. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Tetralogy of Fallot Repair | 28320000091 |
25. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Complete AV canal repair | 28320000092 |
26. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arterial switch operation | 28320000093 |
27. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Senning Operation | 28320000094 |
28. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Mustard Operation | 28320000095 |
29. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Single Valve Procedure-Tricuspid Valve | 28320000098 |
30. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Double Valve Procedure-Aortic Valve Repair/ Aortic Valve Replacement / Mitral Valve Repair / Mitral Valve Replacement / Tricuspid Valve Repair / Tircuspid Valve Replacement | 28320000099 |
31. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Triple valve procedure on Aortic / Mitral / Tricuspid valves-Aortic Valve Repair/ Aortic Valve Replacement / Mitral Valve Repair / Mitral Valve Replacement / Tricuspid Valve Repair / Tircuspid Valve Replacement | 28320000100 |
32. | 28350000117 | IMP0033 | Groin Hernia Repair-Obturator – Lap. | 28410000220 |
33. | 28350000117 | IMP0033 | Groin Hernia Repair-Obturator – Lap. | 28350000132 |
34. | 28350000076 | IMP0037 | Groin Hernia Repair-Obturator – Lap. | 28410000220 |
35. | 28350000076 | IMP0037 | Hernia – Ventral-Epigastric | 28410000221 |
36. | 28350000076 | IMP0037 | Hernia – Ventral-Umbilical | 28410000222 |
37. | 28350000076 | IMP0037 | Hernia – Ventral-Paraumbilical | 28410000223 |
38. | 28350000076 | IMP0037 | Hernia – Ventral-Spigelian | 28410000224 |
39. | 28350000076 | IMP0037 | Repair of Incisional Hernia | 28410000225 |
40. | 28350000076 | IMP0037 | Sacrocolpopexy (Abdominal)-Open | 28380000037 |
41. | 28350000076 | IMP0037 | Sacrocolpopexy (Abdominal)-Lap. | 28380000038 |
42. | 28350000076 | IMP0037 | Groin Hernia Repair-Obturator – Lap. | 28350000132 |
43. | 28350000076 | IMP0037 | Hernia – Ventral-Epigastric | 28350000133 |
44. | 28350000076 | IMP0037 | Hernia – Ventral-Umbilical | 28350000134 |
45. | 28350000076 | IMP0037 | Hernia – Ventral-Paraumbilical | 28350000135 |
46. | 28350000076 | IMP0037 | Hernia – Ventral-Spigelian | 28350000136 |
47. | 28350000076 | IMP0037 | Repair of Incisional Hernia | 28350000137 |
48. | 28350000076 | IMP0037 | Sacrocolpopexy (Abdominal)-Open | 28460000002 |
49. | 28350000076 | IMP0037 | Sacrocolpopexy (Abdominal)-Lap. | 28460000003 |
50. | 28390000002 | IMP0045 | SFIOL (inclusive of Vitrectomy) | 28390000003 |
51. | 28460000011 | IMP0053 | Stress incontinence surgery-Stress incontinence surgery – Open | 28450000236 |
52. | 28460000011 | IMP0053 | Stress incontinence surgery-Stress incontinence surgery – Open | 28460000001 |
53. | 28450000035 | IMP0071 | Chemo Port Insertion | 28450000235 |
54. | 28450000036 | IMP0072 | Chemo Port Insertion | 28450000235 |
55. | 28370000033 | IMP0074 | CranioPlasty-CranioPlasty with Exogenous graft | 28370000087 |
56. | 28370000034 | IMP0075 | Duroplasty-Duroplasty with Exogenous graft | 28370000088 |
S. No. | PACKAGE CODE NEW (IMPLANT) | Implants / High End Consumables | PACKAGE_NAME | PACKAGE CODE NEW (BASE) |
57. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Infundibular procedure | 28320000060 |
58. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-VSD closure | 28320000061 |
59. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Infundibular PS repair | 28320000062 |
60. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Valvular PS repair | 28320000063 |
61. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Partial AV canal repair | 28320000064 |
62. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Intermediate AV canal repair | 28320000065 |
63. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Atrial septectomy + Glenn | 28320000066 |
64. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Atrial septectomy + PA Band | 28320000067 |
65. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm repair with aortic valve procedure | 28320000068 |
66. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm repair without aortic valve procedure | 28320000069 |
67. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sub-aortic membrane resection | 28320000070 |
68. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Ebstien repair | 28320000071 |
69. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Double switch operation | 28320000072 |
70. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Rastelli Procedure | 28320000073 |
71. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Fontan procedure | 28320000074 |
72. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -AP window repair | 28320000075 |
73. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arch interruption Repair without VSD closure | 28320000076 |
74. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arch interruption Repair with VSD closure | 28320000077 |
75. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -DORV Repair | 28320000078 |
76. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Supravalvular AS repair | 28320000079 |
77. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Konno procedure | 28320000080 |
78. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Norwood procedure | 28320000081 |
79. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD closure + RV – PA conduit | 28320000082 |
80. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Aortic procedure | 28320000083 |
81. | 28320000053 | IMP0025 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Mitral procedure | 28320000084 |
82. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -AP window repair | 28320000075 |
83. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arch interruption Repair without VSD closure | 28320000076 |
84. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arch interruption Repair with VSD closure | 28320000077 |
85. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -DORV Repair | 28320000078 |
86. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Supravalvular AS repair | 28320000079 |
87. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Konno procedure | 28320000080 |
88. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Norwood procedure | 28320000081 |
89. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD closure + RV – PA conduit | 28320000082 |
90. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Aortic procedure | 28320000083 |
91. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Mitral procedure | 28320000084 |
92. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Tricuspid procedure | 28320000085 |
93. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Pulmonary procedure | 28320000086 |
94. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Infundibular procedure | 28320000087 |
95. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Coarctation repair | 28320000088 |
96. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -TAPVC Repair | 28320000089 |
97. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Truncus arteriosus repair | 28320000090 |
98. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Tetralogy of Fallot Repair | 28320000091 |
99. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Complete AV canal repair | 28320000092 |
100. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arterial switch operation | 28320000093 |
101. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Senning Operation | 28320000094 |
102. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Mustard Operation | 28320000095 |
103. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Single Valve Procedure-Aortic Valve | 28320000096 |
104. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Single Valve Procedure-Mitral Valve | 28320000097 |
105. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Single Valve Procedure-Tricuspid Valve | 28320000098 |
106. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Double Valve Procedure-Aortic Valve Repair/ Aortic Valve Replacement / Mitral Valve Repair / Mitral Valve Replacement / Tricuspid Valve Repair / Tircuspid Valve Replacement | 28320000099 |
107. | 28320000025 | IMP0021 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Popliteal aneurysm repair | 28320000119 |
108. | 28320000025 | IMP0021 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Femoral – popliteal Bypass | 28320000120 |
109. | 28320000025 | IMP0021 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillo – Brachial Bypass | 28320000124 |
110. | 28320000025 | IMP0021 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotio – carotid Bypass | 28320000121 |
111. | 28320000025 | IMP0021 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotido – subclavian bypass | 28320000122 |
112. | 28320000025 | IMP0021 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotido – axillary bypass | 28320000123 |
113. | 28320000025 | IMP0021 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillo – femoral bypass – U/L | 28320000124 |
114. | 28320000025 | IMP0021 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillo – femoral bypass – B/L | 28320000125 |
115. | 28320000025 | IMP0021 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Aorto – carotid bypass | 28320000126 |
116. | 28320000025 | IMP0021 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Aorto – subclavian bypass | 28320000127 |
117. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD closure + Partial Anomalous Venous Drainage Repair | 28320000056 |
118. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Mitral procedure | 28320000057 |
119. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Tricuspid procedure | 28320000058 |
120. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Pulmonary procedure | 28320000059 |
121. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Infundibular procedure | 28320000060 |
122. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-VSD closure | 28320000061 |
123. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Infundibular PS repair | 28320000062 |
124. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Valvular PS repair | 28320000063 |
125. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Partial AV canal repair | 28320000064 |
126. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Intermediate AV canal repair | 28320000065 |
127. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Atrial septectomy + Glenn | 28320000066 |
128. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Atrial septectomy + PA Band | 28320000067 |
129. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm repair with aortic valve procedure | 28320000068 |
130. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm repair without aortic valve procedure | 28320000069 |
131. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sub-aortic membrane resection | 28320000070 |
132. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Ebstien repair | 28320000071 |
133. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Double switch operation | 28320000072 |
134. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Rastelli Procedure | 28320000073 |
135. | 28320000051 | IMP0023 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Fontan procedure | 28320000074 |
S. No. | PACKAGE CODE NEW (IMPLANT) | Implants / High End Consumables | PACKAGE_NAME | PACKAGE CODE NEW (BASE) |
136. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Coarctation repair | 28320000088 |
137. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -TAPVC Repair | 28320000089 |
138. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Truncus arteriosus repair | 28320000090 |
139. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Tetralogy of Fallot Repair | 28320000091 |
140. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Complete AV canal repair | 28320000092 |
141. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arterial switch operation | 28320000093 |
142. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Senning Operation | 28320000094 |
143. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Mustard Operation | 28320000095 |
144. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Femoro – Femoral Bypass | 28320000110 |
145. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotid – endearterectomy | 28320000111 |
146. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotid Body Tumor Excision | 28320000112 |
147. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Thoracic Outlet syndrome Repair | 28320000113 |
148. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotid aneurysm repair | 28320000114 |
149. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Subclavian aneurysm repair | 28320000115 |
150. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillary aneurysm repair | 28320000116 |
151. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Brachial aneurysm repair | 28320000117 |
152. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Femoral aneurysm repair | 28320000118 |
153. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Popliteal aneurysm repair | 28320000119 |
154. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Femoral – popliteal Bypass | 28320000120 |
155. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillo – Brachial Bypass | 28320000124 |
157. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotio – carotid Bypass | 28320000121 |
158. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotido – subclavian bypass | 28320000122 |
159. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotido – axillary bypass | 28320000123 |
160. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillo – femoral bypass – U/L | 28320000124 |
161. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillo – femoral bypass – B/L | 28320000125 |
162. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Aorto – carotid bypass | 28320000126 |
163. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Aorto – subclavian bypass | 28320000127 |
164. | 28320000025 | IMP0021 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Femoro – Femoral Bypass | 28320000110 |
165. | 28320000025 | IMP0021 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotid – endearterectomy | 28320000111 |
166. | 28320000025 | IMP0021 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotid Body Tumor Excision | 28320000112 |
167. | 28320000025 | IMP0021 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Thoracic Outlet syndrome Repair | 28320000113 |
168. | 28320000025 | IMP0021 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotid aneurysm repair | 28320000114 |
169. | 28320000025 | IMP0021 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Subclavian aneurysm repair | 28320000115 |
170. | 28320000025 | IMP0021 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillary aneurysm repair | 28320000116 |
171. | 28320000025 | IMP0021 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Brachial aneurysm repair | 28320000117 |
172. | 28320000025 | IMP0021 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Femoral aneurysm repair | 28320000118 |
173. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Valvular PS repair | 28320000063 |
174. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Partial AV canal repair | 28320000064 |
175. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Intermediate AV canal repair | 28320000065 |
176. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Atrial septectomy + Glenn | 28320000066 |
177. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Atrial septectomy + PA Band | 28320000067 |
178. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm repair with aortic valve procedure | 28320000068 |
179. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm repair without aortic valve procedure | 28320000069 |
180. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sub-aortic membrane resection | 28320000070 |
181. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Ebstien repair | 28320000071 |
182. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Double switch operation | 28320000072 |
183. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Rastelli Procedure | 28320000073 |
184. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Fontan procedure | 28320000074 |
185. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -AP window repair | 28320000075 |
186. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arch interruption Repair without VSD closure | 28320000076 |
187. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arch interruption Repair with VSD closure | 28320000077 |
188. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -DORV Repair | 28320000078 |
189. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Supravalvular AS repair | 28320000079 |
190. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Konno procedure | 28320000080 |
191. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Norwood procedure | 28320000081 |
192. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD closure + RV – PA conduit | 28320000082 |
193. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Aortic procedure | 28320000083 |
194. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Mitral procedure | 28320000084 |
195. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Tricuspid procedure | 28320000085 |
196. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Pulmonary procedure | 28320000086 |
197. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Infundibular procedure | 28320000087 |
198. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Aortic procedure | 28320000083 |
199. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Mitral procedure | 28320000084 |
200. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Tricuspid procedure | 28320000085 |
201. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Pulmonary procedure | 28320000086 |
202. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Infundibular procedure | 28320000087 |
203. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Coarctation repair | 28320000088 |
204. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -TAPVC Repair | 28320000089 |
205. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Truncus arteriosus repair | 28320000090 |
206. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Tetralogy of Fallot Repair | 28320000091 |
207. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Complete AV canal repair | 28320000092 |
208. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arterial switch operation | 28320000093 |
209. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Senning Operation | 28320000094 |
210. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Mustard Operation | 28320000095 |
211. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Single Valve Procedure-Aortic Valve | 28320000096 |
212. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Single Valve Procedure-Mitral Valve | 28320000097 |
213. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Single Valve Procedure-Tricuspid Valve | 28320000098 |
214. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Double Valve Procedure-Aortic Valve Repair/ Aortic Valve Replacement / Mitral Valve Repair / Mitral Valve Replacement / Tricuspid Valve Repair / Tircuspid Valve Replacement | 28320000099 |
215. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Triple valve procedure on Aortic / Mitral / Tricuspid valves-Aortic Valve Repair/ Aortic Valve Replacement / Mitral Valve Repair / Mitral Valve Replacement / Tricuspid Valve Repair / Tircuspid Valve Replacement | 28320000100 |
216. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD closure + Partial Anomalous Venous Drainage Repair | 28320000056 |
217. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Mitral procedure | 28320000057 |
218. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Tricuspid procedure | 28320000058 |
219. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Pulmonary procedure | 28320000059 |
220. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Infundibular procedure | 28320000060 |
221. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-VSD closure | 28320000061 |
222. | 28320000027 | IMP0020 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Infundibular PS repair | 28320000062 |
223. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Tricuspid procedure | 28320000058 |
224. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Pulmonary procedure | 28320000059 |
225. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Infundibular procedure | 28320000060 |
226. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-VSD closure | 28320000061 |
227. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Infundibular PS repair | 28320000062 |
228. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Valvular PS repair | 28320000063 |
229. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Partial AV canal repair | 28320000064 |
230. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Intermediate AV canal repair | 28320000065 |
231. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Atrial septectomy + Glenn | 28320000066 |
232. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Atrial septectomy + PA Band | 28320000067 |
233. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm repair with aortic valve procedure | 28320000068 |
234. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm repair without aortic valve procedure | 28320000069 |
235. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sub-aortic membrane resection | 28320000070 |
236. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Ebstien repair | 28320000071 |
237. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Double switch operation | 28320000072 |
238. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Rastelli Procedure | 28320000073 |
239. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Fontan procedure | 28320000074 |
240. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -AP window repair | 28320000075 |
241. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arch interruption Repair without VSD closure | 28320000076 |
242. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arch interruption Repair with VSD closure | 28320000077 |
243. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -DORV Repair | 28320000078 |
244. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Supravalvular AS repair | 28320000079 |
245. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Konno procedure | 28320000080 |
246. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Norwood procedure | 28320000081 |
247. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD closure + RV – PA conduit | 28320000082 |
248. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -DORV Repair | 28320000078 |
249. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Supravalvular AS repair | 28320000079 |
250. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Konno procedure | 28320000080 |
251. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Norwood procedure | 28320000081 |
252. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD closure + RV – PA conduit | 28320000082 |
253. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Aortic procedure | 28320000083 |
254. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Mitral procedure | 28320000084 |
255. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Tricuspid procedure | 28320000085 |
256. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Pulmonary procedure | 28320000086 |
257. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Infundibular procedure | 28320000087 |
258. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -VSD + Coarctation repair | 28320000088 |
259. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -TAPVC Repair | 28320000089 |
260. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Truncus arteriosus repair | 28320000090 |
261. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Tetralogy of Fallot Repair | 28320000091 |
262. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Complete AV canal repair | 28320000092 |
263. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arterial switch operation | 28320000093 |
264. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Senning Operation | 28320000094 |
265. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Mustard Operation | 28320000095 |
266. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Single Valve Procedure-Aortic Valve | 28320000096 |
267. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Single Valve Procedure-Mitral Valve | 28320000097 |
268. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Single Valve Procedure-Tricuspid Valve | 28320000098 |
269. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Double Valve Procedure-Aortic Valve Repair/ Aortic Valve Replacement / Mitral Valve Repair / Mitral Valve Replacement / Tricuspid Valve Repair / Tircuspid Valve Replacement | 28320000099 |
270. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Triple valve procedure on Aortic / Mitral / Tricuspid valves-Aortic Valve Repair/ Aortic Valve Replacement / Mitral Valve Repair / Mitral Valve Replacement / Tricuspid Valve Repair / Tircuspid Valve Replacement | 28320000100 |
271. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD closure + Partial Anomalous Venous Drainage Repair | 28320000056 |
272. | 28320000024 | IMP0018 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Mitral procedure | 28320000057 |
273. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Aortic Aneurysm Repair without using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) / Left Heart Bypass-Aortic Aneurysm Repair without using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) | 28350000130 |
274. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Aortic Aneurysm Repair without using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) / Left Heart Bypass-Aortic Aneurysm Repair without using Left Heart Bypass | 28350000131 |
275. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD closure + Partial Anomalous Venous Drainage Repair | 28320000056 |
276. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Mitral procedure | 28320000057 |
277. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Tricuspid procedure | 28320000058 |
278. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Pulmonary procedure | 28320000059 |
279. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-ASD Closure + Infundibular procedure | 28320000060 |
280. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-VSD closure | 28320000061 |
281. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Infundibular PS repair | 28320000062 |
282. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Valvular PS repair | 28320000063 |
283. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Partial AV canal repair | 28320000064 |
284. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Intermediate AV canal repair | 28320000065 |
285. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Atrial septectomy + Glenn | 28320000066 |
286. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Atrial septectomy + PA Band | 28320000067 |
287. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm repair with aortic valve procedure | 28320000068 |
288. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm repair without aortic valve procedure | 28320000069 |
289. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – II Congenital Heart Disease-Sub-aortic membrane resection | 28320000070 |
290. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Ebstien repair | 28320000071 |
291. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Double switch operation | 28320000072 |
292. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Rastelli Procedure | 28320000073 |
293. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Fontan procedure | 28320000074 |
294. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -AP window repair | 28320000075 |
295. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arch interruption Repair without VSD closure | 28320000076 |
296. | 28320000023 | IMP0017 | Surgical Correction of Category – III Congenital Heart Disease -Arch interruption Repair with VSD closure | 28320000077 |
297. | 28320000009 | IMP0013 | Aortic Root Replacement Surgery-Aortic Dissection | 28320000102 |
298. | 28320000009 | IMP0013 | Aortic Root Replacement Surgery-Aortic Aneurysm | 28320000103 |
299. | 28320000009 | IMP0013 | Aortic Root Replacement Surgery-Valve sparing root replacement | 28320000104 |
300. | 28320000009 | IMP0013 | Aortic Root Replacement Surgery-AVR + Root enlargement | 28320000105 |
301. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Surgical Correction of Category – I Congenital Heart Disease -Pulmonary Artery Banding | 28320000055 |
302. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Aortic Aneurysm Repair using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) / Left Heart Bypass-Aortic Aneurysm Repair using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) | 28320000106 |
303. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Aortic Aneurysm Repair using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) / Left Heart Bypass-Aortic Aneurysm Repair using Left Heart Bypass | 28320000107 |
304. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Aortic Aneurysm Repair without using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) / Left Heart Bypass-Aortic Aneurysm Repair without using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) | 28320000108 |
305. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Aortic Aneurysm Repair without using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) / Left Heart Bypass-Aortic Aneurysm Repair without using Left Heart Bypass | 28320000109 |
306. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Femoro – Femoral Bypass | 28320000110 |
307. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotid – endearterectomy | 28320000111 |
308. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotid Body Tumor Excision | 28320000112 |
309. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Thoracic Outlet syndrome Repair | 28320000113 |
310. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotid aneurysm repair | 28320000114 |
311. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Subclavian aneurysm repair | 28320000115 |
312. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillary aneurysm repair | 28320000116 |
313. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Brachial aneurysm repair | 28320000117 |
314. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Femoral aneurysm repair | 28320000118 |
315. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Popliteal aneurysm repair | 28320000119 |
316. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Femoral – popliteal Bypass | 28320000120 |
317. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillo – Brachial Bypass | 28320000124 |
318. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotio – carotid Bypass | 28320000121 |
319. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotido – subclavian bypass | 28320000122 |
320. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotido – axillary bypass | 28320000123 |
321. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillo – femoral bypass – U/L | 28320000124 |
322. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillo – femoral bypass – B/L | 28320000125 |
323. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Aorto – carotid bypass | 28320000126 |
324. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Aorto – subclavian bypass | 28320000127 |
325. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Aortic Aneurysm Repair using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) / Left Heart Bypass-Aortic Aneurysm Repair using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) | 28350000128 |
326. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Aortic Aneurysm Repair using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) / Left Heart Bypass-Aortic Aneurysm Repair using Left Heart Bypass | 28350000129 |
S. No. | PACKAGE CODE NEW (IMPLANT) | Implants / High End Consumables | PACKAGE_NAME | PACKAGE CODE NEW (BASE) |
327. | 28320000009 | IMP0013 | Aortic Root Replacement Surgery-Aortic Dissection | 28320000102 |
328. | 28320000009 | IMP0013 | Aortic Root Replacement Surgery-Aortic Aneurysm | 28320000103 |
329. | 28320000009 | IMP0013 | Aortic Root Replacement Surgery-Valve sparing root replacement | 28320000104 |
330. | 28320000009 | IMP0013 | Aortic Root Replacement Surgery-AVR + Root enlargement | 28320000105 |
331. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Surgical Correction of Category – I Congenital Heart Disease -Pulmonary Artery Banding | 28320000055 |
332. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Aortic Aneurysm Repair using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) / Left Heart Bypass-Aortic Aneurysm Repair using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) | 28320000106 |
333. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Aortic Aneurysm Repair using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) / Left Heart Bypass-Aortic Aneurysm Repair using Left Heart Bypass | 28320000107 |
334. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Aortic Aneurysm Repair without using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) / Left Heart Bypass-Aortic Aneurysm Repair without using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) | 28320000108 |
335. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Aortic Aneurysm Repair without using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) / Left Heart Bypass-Aortic Aneurysm Repair without using Left Heart Bypass | 28320000109 |
336. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Femoro – Femoral Bypass | 28320000110 |
337. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotid – endearterectomy | 28320000111 |
338. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotid Body Tumor Excision | 28320000112 |
339. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Thoracic Outlet syndrome Repair | 28320000113 |
340. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotid aneurysm repair | 28320000114 |
341. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Subclavian aneurysm repair | 28320000115 |
342. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillary aneurysm repair | 28320000116 |
343. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Brachial aneurysm repair | 28320000117 |
344. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Femoral aneurysm repair | 28320000118 |
345. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Popliteal aneurysm repair | 28320000119 |
346. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Femoral – popliteal Bypass | 28320000120 |
347. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillo – Brachial Bypass | 28320000124 |
348. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotio – carotid Bypass | 28320000121 |
349. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotido – subclavian bypass | 28320000122 |
350. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Carotido – axillary bypass | 28320000123 |
351. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillo – femoral bypass – U/L | 28320000124 |
352. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Axillo – femoral bypass – B/L | 28320000125 |
353. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Aorto – carotid bypass | 28320000126 |
354. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Peripheral Arterial Surgeries-Aorto – subclavian bypass | 28320000127 |
355. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Aortic Aneurysm Repair using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) / Left Heart Bypass-Aortic Aneurysm Repair using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) | 28350000128 |
356. | 28320000011 | IMP0016 | Aortic Aneurysm Repair using Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) / Left Heart Bypass-Aortic Aneurysm Repair using Left Heart Bypass | 28350000129 |
357. | 28440000031 | FRA0007 | Linear Accelerator External Beam Radiotherapy IGRT (Image Guided radiotherapy) with 3D CRT or IMRT (20 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Radical | 28440000018 |
358. | 28440000031 | FRA0007 | Linear Accelerator External Beam Radiotherapy IGRT (Image Guided radiotherapy) with 3D CRT or IMRT (20 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Adjuvant | 28440000019 |
359. | 28440000031 | FRA0007 | Linear Accelerator External Beam Radiotherapy IGRT (Image Guided radiotherapy) with 3D CRT or IMRT (20 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Neoadjuvant | 28440000020 |
360. | 28440000032 | FRA0008 | Linear Accelerator External Beam Radiotherapy IGRT (Image Guided radiotherapy) with 3D CRT or IMRT (6 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Radical | 28440000021 |
361. | 28440000032 | FRA0008 | Linear Accelerator External Beam Radiotherapy IGRT (Image Guided radiotherapy) with 3D CRT or IMRT (6 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Adjuvant | 28440000022 |
362. | 28440000032 | FRA0008 | Linear Accelerator External Beam Radiotherapy IGRT (Image Guided radiotherapy) with 3D CRT or IMRT (6 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Neoadjuvant | 28440000023 |
363. | 28440000038 | FRA0009 | SRT / SBRT with IGRT (Stereotacatic radiotherapy) (4 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) SRT / SBRT with IGRT (Stereotacatic radiotherapy) | 28440000024 |
364. | 28440000037 | FRA0010 | Respiratory Gating along with Linear Accelerator planning (5 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Respiratory Gating along with Linear Accelerator planning | 28440000025 |
365. | 28440000030 | FRA0011 | Brachytherapy High Dose Radiation (5 doses) (Inclusive of Simulation, Planning Cost, OT & other charges )-Interstitial | 28440000026 |
366. | 28440000030 | FRA0011 | Brachytherapy High Dose Radiation (5 doses) (Inclusive of Simulation, Planning Cost, OT & other charges )-Surface Mould | 28440000027 |
367. | 28310000005 | IMP0002 | Balloon Dilatation-Coartication of Aorta | 28310000027 |
368. | 28310000005 | IMP0002 | Balloon Dilatation-Pulmonary Artrey Stenosis | 28310000028 |
369. | 28310000005 | IMP0002 | Balloon Pulmonary / Aortic Valvotomy- Balloon Pulmonary Valvotomy | 28310000029 |
370. | 28310000005 | IMP0002 | Balloon Pulmonary / Aortic Valvotomy- Balloon Aortic Valvotomy | 28310000030 |
371. | 28310000006 | IMP0003 | Balloon Dilatation-Coartication of Aorta | 28310000027 |
372. | 28310000006 | IMP0003 | Balloon Dilatation-Pulmonary Artrey Stenosis | 28310000028 |
373. | 28310000006 | IMP0003 | Balloon Pulmonary / Aortic Valvotomy- Balloon Pulmonary Valvotomy | 28310000029 |
374. | 28310000006 | IMP0003 | Balloon Pulmonary / Aortic Valvotomy- Balloon Aortic Valvotomy | 28310000030 |
375. | 28310000012 | IMP0004 | PTCA, inclusive of the diagnostic angiogram | 28310000032 |
376. | 28310000013 | IMP0005 | PTCA, inclusive of the diagnostic angiogram | 28310000032 |
377. | 28320000009 | IMP0013 | Aortic Root Replacement Surgery- Bental Procedure | 28320000101 |
378. | 28440000039 | FRA0001 | 2D External Beam Radiotherapy (25 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost)-Radical | 28440000028 |
379. | 28440000039 | FRA0001 | 2D External Beam Radiotherapy (25 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost)-Neoadjuvant | 28440000005 |
380. | 28440000039 | FRA0001 | 2D External Beam Radiotherapy (25 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost)-Adjuvant | 28440000029 |
381. | 28440000040 | FRA0002 | 2D External Beam Radiotherapy (6 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost)-Radical | 28440000002 |
382. | 28440000040 | FRA0002 | 2D External Beam Radiotherapy (6 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost)-Adjuvant | 28440000003 |
383. | 28440000040 | FRA0002 | 2D External Beam Radiotherapy (6 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost)-Neoadjuvant | 28440000004 |
384. | 28440000033 | FRA0003 | Linear Accelerator, External Beam Radiotherapy 3D CRT (25 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Radical | 28440000009 |
385. | 28440000033 | FRA0003 | Linear Accelerator, External Beam Radiotherapy 3D CRT (25 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Adjuvant | 28440000010 |
386. | 28440000033 | FRA0003 | Linear Accelerator, External Beam Radiotherapy 3D CRT (25 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Neoadjuvant | 28440000011 |
387. | 28440000034 | FRA0004 | Linear Accelerator, External Beam Radiotherapy 3D CRT (6 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Radical | 28440000006 |
388. | 28440000034 | FRA0004 | Linear Accelerator, External Beam Radiotherapy 3D CRT (6 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Adjuvant | 28440000007 |
389. | 28440000034 | FRA0004 | Linear Accelerator, External Beam Radiotherapy 3D CRT (6 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Neoadjuvant | 28440000008 |
390. | 28440000035 | FRA0005 | Linear Accelerator, External Beam Radiotherapy IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy) (20 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Radical | 28440000012 |
391. | 28440000035 | FRA0005 | Linear Accelerator, External Beam Radiotherapy IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy) (20 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Adjuvant | 28440000013 |
392. | 28440000035 | FRA0005 | Linear Accelerator, External Beam Radiotherapy IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy) (20 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Neoadjuvant | 28440000014 |
393. | 28440000036 | FRA0006 | Linear Accelerator, External Beam Radiotherapy IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy) (6 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Radical | 28440000015 |
394. | 28440000036 | FRA0006 | Linear Accelerator, External Beam Radiotherapy IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy) (6 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Adjuvant | 28440000016 |
395. | 28440000036 | FRA0006 | Linear Accelerator, External Beam Radiotherapy IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy) (6 Fractions) (Inclusive of Simulation & Planning Cost) Neoadjuvant | 28440000017 |
S. No. | PACKAGE CODE NEW (IMPLANT) | Implants / High End Consumables | PACKAGE_NAME | PACKAGE CODE NEW (BASE) |
396 | 28370000014 | IMP0076 | Aneurysm Clipping including angiogram | 28370000090 |
397 | 28370000035 | IMP0080 | Transoral surgery (Anterior) and CV Junction (Posterior Sterilisation) | 28370000089 |
398 | 28490000007 | IMP0084 | Coil embolization for aneurysms (includes cost of first 3 coils + balloon and / or stent if used) | 28490000018 |
399 | 28490000007 | IMP0084 | Carotico-cavernous Fistula (CCF) embolization-Carotico-cavernous Fistula (CCF) embolization with coils. [includes 5 coils, guide catheter, micro-catheter, micro-guidewire, general items] | 28490000019 |
400 | 28490000007 | IMP0084 | Carotico-cavernous Fistula (CCF) embolization-Carotid-cavernous Fistula (CCF) embolization with balloon (includes one balloon, guide catheter, micro-catheter, micro-guidewire, general items) | 28490000020 |
401 | 28400000028 | IMP0099 | Fracture – Long Bones – Metaphyseal – ORIF | 28400000042 |
402 | 28400000022 | IMP0123 | Growth Modulation and fixation | 28400000047 |
403 | 28400000019 | IMP0125 | Cervical spine fixation including odontoid | 28400000043 |
404 | 28400000018 | IMP0126 | Cervical spine fixation including odontoid | 28400000043 |
405 | 28400000020 | IMP0130 | Dorsal and lumber spine fixation- Posterior | 28400000044 |
406 | 28400000020 | IMP0130 | Dorsal and lumber spine fixation- Anterior | 28400000045 |
407 | 28400000021 | IMP0131 | Dorsal and lumber spine fixation- Posterior | 28400000044 |
408 | 28400000021 | IMP0131 | Dorsal and lumber spine fixation- Anterior | 28400000045 |
409 | 28400000024 | IMP0132 | Spine deformity correction | 28400000046 |
410 | 28400000023 | IMP0133 | Spine deformity correction | 28400000046 |
411 | 28310000010 | IMP0145 | PDA stenting | 28310000031 |
412 | 28310000011 | IMP0146 | PDA stenting | 28310000031 |
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